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3DMakerpro Lynx Handheld 3D Scanner for 3D Printing 0.1mm Accuracy&10FPS Scanning Lightning-Fast Speed Compatible with Win10/11 and MacOS 11/12 (Premium)

3DMakerpro Lynx Handheld 3D Scanner for 3D Printing 0.1mm Accuracy&10FPS Scanning Lightning-Fast Speed Compatible with Win10/11 and MacOS 11/12 (Premium)


+ 6.00% Cashback

EUR 720.96 EUR 507.66
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Product Details

Features: Capture Larger Objects - 3D Scanner Lynx's Single Capture Range is 250400mm, which is 200% larger than traditional mid-format scanners. With Lynx, you can scan objects up to 5000x5000x5000mm, a whopping 3700% improvement! Smooth Scanning Experience - Handheld 3D Scanner Lynx enables smooth scanning of large objects with an optical stabilizer and advanced visual tracking, minimizing the probability of misalignment without markers. Faithful Object Reproduction - With 0.10mm accuracy and 0.30mm resolution, Lynx 3d scanner for 3d printing helps you create precise and detailed point clouds, achieving a high level of object reproduction suitable for art, design, and industrial purposes. Creativity Unleashed in Every Scan - With 3d model scanner Lynx, scanning medium to large objects such as human bodies, furniture, automotive parts, and sculptures is a breeze. In just minutes, you can capture complete and detailed models that showcase every intricacy. Intelligent One-Click Editing - JMStudio is a free scanning software exclusively for 3DMakerpro. With integrated smart editing features, JMStudio automates the processing of your scanned projects with just one click, effortlessly producing satisfying 3D models.


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