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KZ EDX Customized Heavy-Bass Earphone In-ear Headphone (With Mic)

KZ EDX Customized Heavy-Bass Earphone In-ear Headphone (With Mic)


+ 6.00% Cashback

EUR 31.87 EUR 17.73
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Product Details

Features: [High Fidelity Sound]Equipped with 10MM composite magnetic dynamic, the low frequency dive can reach 10Hz, bringing more powerful deep bass. [Comfortable Wear]The pre-formed ear hooks softly fit the auricle, making the headset comfortable and stable to wear. It can also effectively reduce external noise while wearing it tightly. [2PIN Removable Cable]0.75mm standard gold-plated pin, meets the various possibilities of Hi-fi upgrade. Removable cable design can expand the earphone into a BT headset by replacing the cable (not included). [Fine Workmanship]Simple yet stylish customized appearance, suitable for stage, street and other scenes. Skin-friendly imported resin material ensures flexibility and durability. [Broad Compatibility]Widely compatible with various devices with 3.5mm audio interface.


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